When you decide it is time to put your products, services, or thoughts into a website – you have the potential to take your business to a whole new level. However, simply slapping words and images on a website and throwing money into various advertisements will not help you increase your return on investment. In fact, developing a top-ranking website requires much more effort than you may realize. At Ramp Up Technology, we understand how much work it takes to establish a successful website. With our web design and search engine optimization (SEO) services, we can create a website that helps you meet your goals.
Many website developers, novice and expert alike, utilize WordPress. This free, open-source content management system (CMS) not only makes web design easy but has become the world’s most popular choice when it comes to building and maintaining a website.
A simple search online will provide you with hundreds of free templates, themes, and plugins that will give your website a custom feel. However, a truly custom site is one that is uniquely designed to help bring your business persona and branding to the forefront.
Hiring a professional, like those at Ramp Up Technology, is an essential part of creating that one-of-a-kind website that will help your page excel. We understand the needs of you, your target audience and the ever-evolving Google algorithm. From beautiful graphics and page templates to easy navigation and room for expansion to support your growth, Ramp Up Technology offers the best in custom web design.
SEO refers to a group of tactics that help to boost your Google ranking and increase your website traffic. Professionals, like those at Ramp Up Technology, fully understand how important SEO is to any successful website. However, SEO is often overlooked when a website is first being established. This can be a tremendous disservice and lead to lower rankings than you would hope for.
SEO includes many different elements. From keyword usage to actually web design components, each piece of the SEO puzzle helps to boost your website’s success rate. One of the most important SEO features lies in the flexibility and scalability of your actual website design. Flexible and scalable web designs that allow your website to automatically detect and resize itself to fit a visitor’s browser type and device. Link structures, content structure, navigation, and load time are also examples of where proper embedded SEO can help boost your Google rank.
Website maintenance for websites involves a series of tasks aimed at keeping your site running smoothly, securely, and up-to-date. Our plans include weekly CMS core & plugin updates, backups, monitoring and more. Monthly website maintenance is a proactive approach to ensuring your website remains current, secure, and functional.
• Monthly check in email
• Weekly CMS core and plugin updates• Monthly off-site backup on secure server
• Monthly website report
• Daily malware scans
• Daily link monitoring
• Daily performance monitoring
• Daily uptime monitoring
• Up to 30 mins of support each month, turnaround time 2-3 business days
• Discounted hourly rate for out of scope
• Weekly check in email
• Weekly CMS core and plugin updates
• Monthly off-site backup on secure server
• Monthly website report
• Daily malware scans
• Daily link monitoring
• Daily performance monitoring
• Daily uptime monitoring
• Daily SEO tracking
• Up to 1 hour of support each month, turnaround time 1-2 business days
• 1 hour of SEO work, per SEO tracking report
• Discounted hourly rate for out of scope
• Weekly check in email
• Weekly CMS core and plugin updates
• Bi-weekly off-site backup on secure server
• Monthly website report
• Daily malware scans
• Daily link monitoring
• Daily performance monitoring
• Daily uptime monitoring
• Daily SEO tracking
• Up to 3 hours of support each month, turnaround time 1-2 business days
• 1 hour of SEO work, per SEO tracking report
• 1 hour monthly meeting upon request
• Discounted hourly rate for out of scope
Hiring a professional to help you design your website and incorporate SEO from the very beginning is essential. While anyone can search for a tailorable WordPress template, why expend the time and energy it takes to develop a successful website? You know your business. The experts at Ramp Up Technology know web design and SEO.
Contact us today to learn more about web design and SEO services with Ramp Up Technology!